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How has SCIO benefitted our community in 2022?
Bridgeway: 90% of residents were in counseling, Bridgeway provided 3,146 nights of shelter, 286 people were assisted through outreach and aftercare, 90% of residents were in recovery from drugs and/or alcohol, 90% of residents were victims of domestic violence.
Family Pathways: 15 families utilized supervised visits, 350 visits = 525 hours, 4 families moved on to a less restrictive visitation setting, 47% of families served had “no contact” orders.
Farmers Market: 265 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers distributed to low-income senior citizens, 911 EBT (food share) transactions, 420 EBT customers and 107 were new EBT customers, over $30,000 dispersed through food share and Double Your Bucks matching program for low-income patrons.
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