The 2024-25 SCIO Winter Market season is underway! Interested in vending at the market? The application is available via the link below.
PLEASE NOTE: All products sold at the SCIO Farmers Market need to be homemade, handmade, or homegrown.
Thank you to all the vendors who participated in the 2023 season. You can find the Winter 2024-25 Application here.
Important rules to note when applying to vend at the farmers market:
- No items offered for sale may be commercially made or wholesale. All products must be the original work or produce of the vendor.
- Vendors must own or rent the land on which their vegetables, fruits, flowers or products are grown or raised, and be located within a 50 mile radius of the Market.
- Vendors should offer food products made from raw ingredients primarily planted, grown or cared for, and harvested by the vendor and/or they processed through baking, cooking, canning, drying, fermenting, preserving, or spinning techniques (e.g. baked goods, cheeses, jams, dried fruit, pickles, yarn, etc.).
- Complete rules and regulations can be found via the application link.
Where to return the application:
SCIO Farmers Market
PO Box 73
Sheboygan, WI 53082
Questions? Contact our Farmers Market Coordinator, Maria Camara, maria@